An explanation of its meaning

K J Cronin

A Summary of The Explanation

There is a God.
God Was before He created.
Before He created, All-That-Is Was God.
God in Himself is perfect in unity.

 In perfect unity there is only one.

In the condition of existence where All-That-Is was God, and He was perfect in unity, there can have been no activity of mind.

 Therefore when All-That-Is was God, He was not aware.

To become aware of Himself required first that God become aware of other.
All that is other than God is His creation.

Therefore God’s own Creation is the other of which He first became aware.

Therefore the first awareness in God was His first awareness of the beginning of His Creation.
Therefore the entirety of the first awareness in God was His first awareness of the condition of His creation in the beginning.
Therefore the entirety of the first awareness in God was His experience of existing in relation only to that which had no form.
Therefore I conclude that the articulation in God of His first awareness of the beginning of His creation was that ‘There Is’.

'There Is, Therefore I AM'

Therefore 'I AM' was the response in the mind of God to His first awareness of the beginning of His creation.
'I AM' was also the articulation in God of His knowledge of His Self as distinct from all other.

Therefore 'I AM' is the articulation in God of the knowledge He has of His Personal existence.

Personal identity is designated by means of a name.
The more knowledge of the one named that is articulated in their name, the more completely and specifically does it designate their personal identity.
Therefore the articulation of the knowledge that God has of His Personal existence is His perfect name.

‘I AM’ is the articulation in God of the knowledge He has of His Personal existence.
Therefore I AM is the perfect name of God.

Thus is I AM the name of God.